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BABA in Fiesch

Baba in Fiesch

A very special INVITATION

Namaskar... It was for the very first time in the history of mankind that Baba visited Fiesch in 1979 where He blessed many of His devotees for a couple of days with His divine presence and unconditional love. It was as if the time was only meant for the Lord and His devotees.

1979 in Fiesch was unique in the sense that it was the only Ananda Purnima outside of Delhi Sector, where the devotees got the special opportunity to celebrate the birthday of Baba in His divine blissful presence. Baba graced some of the fortunate devotees with His personal contact and blessed a few revolutionary married couples. Baba disclosed the historical facts that Shiva used to drive on the yak through the Alps glaciers and that life on earth first came to the Alps from Mars and much more.

Besides Purodha Pramukha who will preside the DMS, there will be lots of Kirtana, spiritual discourses, films of Baba, excursions to retrace Baba's walks and sojourns in Fiesch, which will help us relive and celebrate the blissful experience of Baba‘s first visit to Europe. I wish to invite you to take the opportunity of enjoying this most vibrating and unforgettable spiritual experience. Looking forward to seeing you.

In His Service,
Ac. Shubhatmananda Avt.
Sectorial Secretary – Berlin Sector

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